Resultados: 3

Análise cienciométrica de pesquisas de enfermagem sobre fratura de quadril: tendências, tópicos e perfis

Resumo Objetivo Bibliometria, cienciometria e outras metodologias relacionadas podem ser usadas para revelar os padrões básicos, conexões com diferentes temas e áreas e elementos demográficos de um determinado tópico da literatura. O objetivo deste estudo é revelar os padrões e tendências na p...

Scientometric overview of nursing research on pain management

ABSTRACT Objective: to analyse research articles on pain and nursing issues using bibliometric and scientometric methodologies. Method: articles in the Web of Science database containing pain and nurse and pain and nursing were analyzed using scientometric methods through data visualization techniques ...

Fall behaviors and risk factors among elderly patients with hip fractures

Abstract Objective The aim of this study was to investigate fall preventive behaviors in elderly patients who suffered hip fractures as a result of falling. Methods This descriptive and cross-sectional study was performed at a university hospital in Izmir, Turkey between January 2014 and December 2015....